2008 Publications

BASC Staff Articles

The Future of Northeast Asia’s Institutional Architecture

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Min Gyo Koo| Seungjoo Lee|

Northeast Asia, 2008
The institutional architecture under the San Francisco system served Northeast Asia well for the Cold War period, obviating the need for any significant regional institutionalization of both economic and security affairs.

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Have Long-Established Patterns of Protectionism Changed During this Crisis? A Sectoral Perspective

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Simon Evenett|

Broken Promises, 2008
During the current sharp global economic downturn much has been made of the scale of government policy responses, whether it be monetary policy (e.g. “quantitative easing”), fiscal policy (e.g. “stimulus packages”) or other forms of state intervention (including “bailouts”).

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Economic and Security Institution Building in Northeast Asia: An Analytical Overview

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Min Gyo Koo|

Northeast Asia, 2008
In recent years, however, the traditional institutional order that has governed economic and security relations in Northeast Asia has come under heavy strain.

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An Institutional Path: Community Building in Northeast Asia

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Min Gyo Koo|

The United States and Northeast Asia, 2008
In this chapter, we show how the traditional institutional equilibrium in Northeast Asia has come under heavy strain in the triple post period: namely the post‐Cold War, the post‐financial crisis of 1997‐98, and the post‐September 11, 2001 attacks, thereby undergoing a dramatic transformation.

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The Dynamics of Trade Liberalization

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|

Power, Interdependence and Non-State Actors in World Politics, 2008
My objective in this chapter is to build in the tradition of this research program on trade cooperation and conflict.

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