2010 Publications

BASC Staff Articles

I Don’t Get No Respect: The Travails of IP

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|

International Studies Quarterly, 2010
The question of whether IPE journals are boring, in Benjamin Cohen’s provocative words, provides us with a useful opportunity to introspect on the state of the field.

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The Financial Crisis, ‘New’ Industrial Policy, and the Bite of Multilateral Trade Rules

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Simon Evenett|

Asian Economic Policy Review, 2010
The recent Great Recession has triggered substantial government intervention – not all of it macroeconomic.

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Beyond Bogor: Reflections on APEC’s Future

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|

Japan Spotlight, 2010
Under these challenging circumstances, will APEC be unable to meet its goals and relegated to the sidelines of trade fora in the Asia-Pacific?

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The Perils of Consensus: How ASEAN’s Meta-regime Undermines Economic and Environmental Cooperation

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|

Review of International Political Economy, 2010
The member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have been frequently criticized for adhering to a long-standing norm of strict non-interference in each other’s domestic affairs, thereby hampering collective efforts to address regional problems.

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Rebalancing Will Require Supply Side Policy Changes, but Pitfalls Abound

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Simon Evenett|

Rebalancing the Global Economy: A Primer for Policymaking, Center for European Policy Research,
Much of the debate over global imbalances has focussed on the demand side.

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Using and Abusing Government Intervention and Trade Policy

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|

Shaping New Regional Governance in East Asia: A Common Vision for Mutual Benefit and Common Prosperity. ORUEM Publishing House, 2010
This paper goes beyond this useful but vague descriptor of “murky protectionism” to analytically consider the different implications of protectionist actions.

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The Domestic Political Economy of Preferential Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Seungjoo Lee|

Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific: The Role of Ideas, Interests, and Domestic Institutions, Springer, 2010
With respect to domestic politics, we show how subnational actors engage in lobbying, both of their own governments and through their links to others in the region.

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Look West: The Evolution of U.S. Trade Policy Towards Asia

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director|

Rebalancing the Global Economy: A Primer for Policymaking, Center for European Policy Research,
Much of the debate over global imbalances has focussed on the demand side.

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Evolving Trade Strategies in the Asia-Pacific

|By Vinod Aggarwal – Director| Seungjoo Lee|

Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific: The Role of Ideas, Interests, and Domestic Institutions, Springer, 2010
This chapter evaluates the trends we have seen in the Asia-Pacific, with an eye to explaining the dynamics of the formation of trade policies and negotiation of agreements, focusing primarily on bilateral FTAs pursued by countries.

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