Ari Fomalont

Ari Fomalont is a fourth-year political science and Business Administration double major at UC Berkeley, where he has worked on research projects in both the HAAS School of Business and the Department of Political Science. He has also participated in the California 100 Fellowship and was a volunteer with CalPirg. Ari is committed to public service and was a member of the Repair the World Service Corps for two semesters as a freshman, and previously served on the board for the Topanga Association for a Scenic Community, a local environmental advocacy group. Ari was a district office intern in State Senator Ben Allen’s office and was an intern at the UK think tank, Council on Geostrategy. Ari has a wide variety of interests including belonging to the Taekwondo Club Team and being cofounder, treasurer, head of client outreach, and the former president for the Behavioural Economics Association at Berkeley

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