2016 Articles

Articles by BASC Affiliates

Aggarwal, Vinod K. and Min Gyo Koo. (2016). Designing Trade Institutions for Asia. Cornell University Press, pp. 35-58.

Aggarwal, Vinod K. and Min Gyo Koo. (2016). Trade at Risk: Challenges to East Asia’s Export-Oriented Model. Global Asia. Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 22-29.

Aggarwal, Vinod K. and Simon Evenett. (2016). The Politics of TTIP: Negotiating Behind the Border Barriers. In Ernest Gnan and Ralf Kronberger, eds. Schwerpunkt Außenwirtschaft 2015/2016 [Focus on Trade] (Vienna: Facultas Verlags- und Buchhandels AG), pp. 191-204.

Aggarwal, Vinod K. (2016). Mega-FTAs and the Trade-Security Nexus: The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). AsiaPacific Issues. No. 123.

Aggarwal, Vinod K. (2016). The Liberal Trading Order Under Assault: A US Perspective. Global Asia. Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 110-113.

Edited by Aggarwal, Vinod K. (2016). Introduction: The Rise of Mega-FTAs in the Asia-Pacific. Asian Survey. Vol. 56, No. 6, pp. 1105-1116. Part of a Special Issue on Mega-FTAs in the Asia-Pacific.