International Debt Threat: Bargaining Among Creditors and Debtors in the 1980s

Vinod K. Aggarwal (Editor)

In this International Debt Threat, Vinod K. Aggarwal explains how banks, debtors, creditor governments, and international organizations managed to cooperate in heading off the crisis and examines the resulting costs and benefits from this effort. In particular, he looks at how the banks managed to develop a unified bargaining front, why the debtors failed to do so, and how governments and the IMF fostered a temporary resolution of the crisis. In doing so, Vinod reviews the constraints faced by various actors and analyzes the bargaining strategies they used to overcome the obstacles in their way–both to achieve cooperation and to shift the distribution of costs and benefits in their favor.

ISBN: 0877255296
Publisher: Berkeley: Insitute of International Studies
Publication date: 1987

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